14 Nov 2007

EAM is everywhere...

Yes, indeed!

It is enjoyable to see so many good projects involving artists here at EMS. EAM is really coming out of its little closet and out into the real world!


13 Nov 2007

Final Cut Pro

Some EMS users are becoming better at this as we had a much appreciated course for pros led by a Final Cut Pro pro, Sasskia Holmberg, last week. Over the past year, the film editing studio here at EMS has been booked more and more frequently for sound/image projects.

New, different, sound project in the pipeline

Lennart Westman is a composer who often uses the studios here at EMS and initiates several projects yearly. So far this year, he has traveled to Mexico and Argentina, presenting Swedish Electroacoustic music. His next project is a little different: living next to a building site in Stockholm he became inspired while enjoying the construction sounds from his balcony. He recorded some, to make a piece of the recorded material. He has also involved photographer Josef Doukkali and together they will make a film/bildspiel reflecting the birth of the new building. Read an article about it in Swedish.

There is also a short radio programme about it.

And another one on P4 (no longer available).
Listen from 9:40 on!

The building company, NCC, are financing this artistic project and the end result on DVD will be offered as a "moving in" present to the future inhabitants of the building! Nice idea!

8 Nov 2007

Concert in the big gasometer in Gävle

10 November 2007 at 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. at STORA GASKLOCKAN in Gävle. IDKA has organised this nocturnal 12-hour long concert where artists from France, Turkey, Singapore, Gävle and Stockholm will be featured.